巴基斯坦当局在抗议暴力中逮捕了22人,调查了150件网上反解放军内容。 Pakistani authorities arrested 22 and investigated 150 over online anti-Army content amid protest violence.
巴基斯坦当局逮捕了22名个人, 并正在调查150多起据称在网络上散播反军内容的事件, Pakistani authorities have arrested 22 individuals and are investigating 150 more for allegedly spreading anti-Army content online following a protest in Islamabad where 12 party workers were killed and hundreds injured. 政府否认参与任何暴力活动,并组建了一个特别工作组来处理宣传问题。 The government denies any involvement in the violence and has formed a special task force to address the propaganda. 大赦国际呼吁对安全人员使用武力的情况进行透明调查。 Amnesty International has called for a transparent investigation into the use of force by security personnel.