Nvidia不顾美国贸易限制, 将中国劳动力增加1000人, 提升自主驾驶技术。 Nvidia expands China workforce by 1,000 to advance autonomous driving tech, despite U.S. trade restrictions.
Nvidia是世界第二大贵重公司,今年已将其在中国的劳动力增加约1 000名雇员,以加强其对自主驾驶技术的研究。 Nvidia, the world's second most valuable company, has expanded its workforce in China by around 1,000 employees this year to enhance its research on autonomous driving technology. 目前该公司在中国有近4 000名雇员,比2024年初的3 000人有所增加。 The company now has nearly 4,000 employees in China, up from 3,000 at the start of 2024. 尽管美国有贸易限制,但Nvidia继续把中国作为AI和自我驱动技术的关键市场和研究中心。 Despite US trade restrictions, Nvidia continues to focus on China as a key market and research hub for AI and self-driving technology.