曼尼普尔(Manipur)的CM呼吁共同努力解决危机,审查军事行动,尊重妇女的领导能力。 Manipur's CM calls for joint efforts to address crisis, reviews military act, honors women's leadership.
曼尼普尔首席部长N. Biren Singh强调州和中央政府共同努力解决当前的危机,要求审查某些地区的《武装部队特别权力法》。 Manipur's Chief Minister N. Biren Singh emphasized joint efforts between the state and central governments to address the ongoing crisis, requesting a review of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act in certain areas. 他表彰Manipuri妇女的历史和当代角色,强调新的福利计划。 He honored Manipuri women's historical and contemporary roles, highlighting new welfare schemes. 国家也庆祝「Nupi Lan」运动85周年, 庆祝女性领导才能与勇敢, The state also commemorated the 85th anniversary of the 'Nupi Lan' movement with a run and floral tributes, celebrating women's leadership and bravery.