由于对乘车司机的威胁, 在堪萨斯城发生冲突后, 一名男子被捕. Man arrested after standoff in Kansas City following threatening remarks to ride-share driver.
一名男子在堪萨斯城被捕,当时他向一名乘车的司机发出威胁性言论,向警察报告,随后发生了一场对峙。 A man was arrested in Kansas City after a standoff that started when he made threatening comments to a ride-share driver, who reported him to the police. 司机在Westport购物中心停车,该男子拒绝下车,声称有武器。 The driver pulled over at the Westport Shopping Center, and the man refused to exit the vehicle, claiming to have a weapon. 包括特别小组在内的警察在下午1时前后谈判了两个多小时才将他关押起来。 没有报告有人受伤。 Police, including special teams, negotiated for over two hours before taking him into custody around 1 p.m. No injuries were reported.