Green Belt Movement指控肯尼亚政府停止Kiambu路扩张, 声称侵犯Karura森林。 The Green Belt Movement sues Kenyan government to halt Kiambu Road expansion, claiming it encroaches on Karura Forest.
Green Belt Movement是一个环保团体, 向肯尼亚政府提起诉讼, 要求政府停止扩建Kiambu路, The Green Belt Movement, an environmental group, has filed a lawsuit against the Kenyan government to stop the expansion of Kiambu Road, which they claim will take 51.64 acres from Karura Forest. 肯尼亚林业局(KFS)认为,公路扩建是在1951年的出路范围内,而不是对林地的兼并。 The Kenya Forest Service (KFS) argues the road expansion is within a 1951 wayleave and not an annexation of forest land. 小组对缺乏环境评估和公众参与提出质疑,认为该项目破坏了长期环境健康。 The group contests the lack of environmental assessments and public participation, arguing the project undermines long-term environmental health.