Green Bay,威斯康星州, 发布“加强绿色Bay”, 以扩大清洁能源和可持续性的努力。 Green Bay, Wisconsin, launches "Energize Green Bay" to expand clean energy and sustainability efforts.
威斯康辛州格林湾(Green Bay)庆祝其清洁能源计划成立一周年, Green Bay, Wisconsin, marked the first anniversary of its Clean Energy Plan and launched "Energize Green Bay," aiming to expand clean energy, improve efficiency, and promote sustainability. 城市已经实现了几个目标,包括减少排放和增加无碳电力。 The city has achieved several goals, including reducing emissions and increasing carbon-free electricity. 绿湾还获得SolSmart Silver社区关于支持太阳能开发的指定。 Green Bay also received SolSmart Silver Community designation for supporting solar energy development.