前顾问因发送裸体照片和与一名17岁的被拘留者进行淫秽聊天而被捕。 Former counselor arrested for sending nude photos and engaging in lewd chats with a 17-year-old detainee.
一名28岁的Buffalo Grove妇女Bayleigh Hoyt被逮捕,并被指控犯有官方不当行为和散发有害材料。 A 28-year-old Buffalo Grove woman, Bayleigh Hoyt, has been arrested and charged with official misconduct and distributing harmful material. 前少年顾问Hoyt被指控发送裸体照片和与她在Depke少年拘留所遇到的一名17岁男孩进行淫秽谈话。 Hoyt, a former juvenile counselor, is accused of sending nude photos and engaging in lewd conversations with a 17-year-old boy she met at the Depke Juvenile Detention Facility. 她声称当局鼓励该青少年在辞去职务前删除其信息。 Authorities claim she encouraged the teenager to delete their messages before resigning from her position.