前Hernando学校资源官员Hosie Porter被捕,被控强奸和性侵犯。 Former Hernando school resource officer Hosie Porter arrested, charged with rape and sexual battery.
Hosie Porter, 密西西比州Hernando的前学校资源干事,因涉及一名成年受害者的事件而被捕并被指控犯有强奸和性攻击罪。 Hosie Porter, a former school resource officer in Hernando, Mississippi, has been arrested and charged with rape and sexual battery following an incident involving an adult victim. 指控于9月24日曝光,导致他被安排行政假,随后从Hernando警察局辞职。 The allegations came to light on September 24, leading to his placement on administrative leave and subsequent resignation from the Hernando Police Department. 密西西比调查局正在处理此案 波特目前被拘留 The Mississippi Bureau of Investigation is handling the case, and Porter is currently in custody. 法院日期尚未确定。 A court date is pending.