CNBC为体育、财富和妇女领导引入了新的单位,以扩大其受众范围。 CNBC introduces new units for sports, wealth, and women's leadership to broaden its audience reach.
CNBC成立了一个新的战略纵向和观众发展股,以扩大其在体育、财富和妇女领导能力等领域的覆盖面。 CNBC has launched a new Strategic Verticals & Audience Development unit to expand its coverage in areas like sports, wealth, and women's leadership. 该倡议由CNBC老兵Max Meyers牵头,旨在加强CNBC在CNBC体育纵向成功后作为不同受众和广告商的资源的作用。 Led by CNBC veteran Max Meyers, this initiative aims to enhance CNBC's role as a resource for diverse audiences and advertisers, following the success of its CNBC Sport vertical. 该网络计划在2025年初推出关于妇女领导力的内容。 The network plans to launch content on women's leadership in early 2025.