新闻运动通过内部晋升和高级职员聘用来加强商业领导力。 The News Movement bolsters commercial leadership with internal promotions and senior hires.
社交优先出版商《新闻运动》通过内部晋升和高级职员招聘加强商业领导力。 Social-first publisher, The News Movement, strengthens commercial leadership through internal promotions and senior hires. 该平台于 2021 年推出,旨在覆盖 TNM、The Recount 和 Capsule 媒体品牌的 18-25 岁人群,社区规模达 150 万。 Launched in 2021, the platform aims to reach 18-25 year-olds with community of 1.5 million across TNM, The Recount, and Capsule media brands. 新闻运动主要有四个部分:自己的新闻业、与其他媒体组织的合作、授权内容和创意服务。 The News Movement has four main parts: its own journalism, partnerships with other media organizations, licensing content, and creative services.