集体诉讼针对不列颠哥伦比亚省正在恢复的房地产市场的房地产佣金。 Class action lawsuit targets realtor commissions in British Columbia's recovering real estate market.
不列颠哥伦比亚省房地产市场的反弹促使对房地产委员会进行审查,对试图澄清做法的房地产实体提起集体诉讼。 British Columbia's rebounding real estate market is prompting scrutiny of realtor commissions, with a class action lawsuit against real estate entities seeking to clarify practices. 尽管加拿大西部的佣金率较低,但佣金结构往往被误解,导致交易透明度较低。 Despite lower commission rates in Western Canada, the commission structure is often misunderstood, leading to less transparent transactions. 一些房地产商通过提供折扣或现金回扣奖励作出回应。 Some realtors are responding by offering discounts or cash-back incentives. 还正在采用一个固定收费服务模式,费率从6 000美元到10 000美元不等,与传统佣金相比,可能节省大量卖主。 A flat-fee service model is also being introduced, with rates ranging from $6,000 to $10,000, potentially saving sellers significant amounts compared to traditional commissions.