玻利维亚是世界上最大的锂矿藏所在地,由于各种挑战,智利和阿根廷在生产过程中遭遇了诸多挑战。 Bolivia, home to the world's largest lithium deposit, trails Chile and Argentina in production due to various challenges.
玻利维亚声称拥有世界上最大的锂矿藏,但在锂生产方面落后于智利和阿根廷。 Bolivia, claiming the world's largest lithium deposit, lags behind Chile and Argentina in lithium production. 与阿根廷的10,000吨和智利的200,000吨相比, 玻利维亚在2023年的产量仅为最低-948吨。 Despite the Lithium Triangle holding 60% of global reserves, Bolivia's output is minimal—948 tonnes in 2023, compared to Argentina's 10,000 tonnes and Chile's 200,000 tonnes. 挑战包括Uyuni盐滩的高海拔和紧固土壤。 Challenges include high altitude and compact soil at the Uyuni salt flat. 玻利维亚最近签署了新工厂的合同,但需要国会批准,面临政治障碍。 Bolivia recently signed contracts for new plants but needs congressional approval, facing political hurdles.