蓝钻石度假胜地推出在线预检, 将豪华海滩的等候时间缩短50%。 Blue Diamond Resorts introduces online pre-check-in to cut wait times by up to 50% at its luxury beaches.
蓝钻石度假胜地在其皇家豪华豪华度假胜地和好莱坞海滩度假胜地推出了在线预检功能,将报到时间削减50%。 Blue Diamond Resorts has introduced an Online Pre Check-In feature at its Royalton Luxury Resorts and Planet Hollywood Beach Resorts, cutting check-in times by up to 50%. 客人可在网上完成登记,抵达后可进入快车道,缩短等候时间,并可以更快地利用度假设施。 Guests can complete registration online and access a fast-track lane upon arrival, reducing wait times and allowing quicker access to resort amenities. 这项技术旨在通过尽量减少延误来提高休假经验。 This technology aims to enhance the vacation experience by minimizing delays.