皇家加勒比邀请巴哈马企业加入其新的皇家海滩俱乐部,目的是促进当地经济。 Royal Caribbean invites Bahamian businesses to join its new Royal Beach Club, aiming to boost local economy.
皇家加勒比国际正在邀请巴哈马企业在其于2025年12月在天堂岛新开的17英亩皇家海滩俱乐部会议上提出服务建议。 Royal Caribbean International is inviting Bahamian businesses to submit proposals for services at its new 17-acre Royal Beach Club opening in December 2025 on Paradise Island. 该俱乐部将提供各种便利设施和服务,重点是整合当地文化和产品。 The club will offer various amenities and services, with a focus on integrating local culture and products. 巴哈马居民的就业机会将降低,当地企业可以拥有49%的企业股本,目的是增加当地就业机会和经济增长。 Bahamian residents will have access at a reduced rate, and local businesses can own up to 49% equity in the venture, aiming to boost local job opportunities and economic growth.