马尔代夫高等法院推翻了亚明的监禁判决。 Maldives High Court overturns Yameen's prison sentence.
马尔代夫高等法院推翻了前总统阿卜杜拉·亚明因洗钱和贿赂指控被判处的 11 年监禁,裁定 2022 年的审判不公平。 The Maldives High Court has overturned former President Abdulla Yameen's 11-year prison sentence on money laundering and bribery charges, ruling that his 2022 trial was unfair. 高等法院下令对亚明案进行重审,该审判将在该国议会选举之前进行。 The High Court ordered a retrial for Yameen, which takes place ahead of parliamentary elections in the country. 亚明因在 2013 年至 2018 年任期内收受金钱租赁政府所有的岛屿而于 2020 年被判有罪。 Yameen had been convicted in 2020 for accepting money for leasing a government-owned island during his 2013-2018 term in office.