澳大利亚计划制定新规则, 要求科技巨人为新闻内容付费或面临罚款。 Australia plans new rules requiring tech giants to pay for news content or face fines.
澳大利亚政府计划推出新规则, 迫使Meta(脸书)和Google等科技巨人支付新闻内容费用或面临罚款。 The Australian government plans to introduce new rules forcing tech giants like Meta (Facebook) and Google to pay for news content or face financial penalties. 在Meta与澳大利亚媒体公司的交易期满后, 该公司警告它不再支付新闻费用。 This move comes after Meta's deal with Australian media firms expired, and the company warned it would no longer pay for news. 新计划旨在向这些公司施加压力,迫使它们与出版商谈判,或为其平台上共享的新闻内容支付费用,以支持当地新闻工作。 The new scheme aims to pressure these companies to negotiate with publishers or pay for news content shared on their platforms, supporting local journalism.