Google威胁说,如果《公平数字新闻谈判法案》颁布,将取消新西兰的新闻链接。 Google threatens to remove NZ news links if Fair Digital News Bargaining Bill is enacted.
Google威胁说,如果《公平数字新闻谈判法案》颁布,将消除其平台上与新西兰新闻内容的链接。 Google has threatened to eliminate links to New Zealand news content from its platforms if the Fair Digital News Bargaining Bill is enacted. 这项立法将要求技术公司谈判和支付新闻内容的费用,谷歌认为这可能限制对当地新闻的访问,并伤害较小的出版商。 This legislation would require tech companies to negotiate and pay for news content, which Google argues could limit access to local news and harm smaller publishers. 包括共青团领袖大卫·西摩(David Seymour)在内的批评者警告说,该法案破坏了政府与媒体的分离,可能对受众和较小的媒体产生消极影响。 Critics, including ACT Leader David Seymour, warn that the bill undermines the separation between government and media and could negatively affect audiences and smaller media outlets.