Agnico Eagle矿业公司以204M美元收购O3采矿公司,将目标对准魁北克Marban联盟的财产。 Agnico Eagle Mines acquires O3 Mining for $204M, targeting Quebec's Marban Alliance property.
Goldminer Agnico Eagle Mineral Ltd.正以约2.04亿美元的现金收购O3 Mining Inc.,重点是位于加拿大魁北克Agnico加拿大Malartic公司经营业务附近的Marban联盟财产。 Gold miner Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd. is acquiring O3 Mining Inc. for about $204 million in cash, focusing on the Marban Alliance property, located near Agnico's Canadian Malartic operations in Quebec, Canada. Agnico提供每O3股份1.67美元,这是O3董事会建议并有22%的股东支持的一项交易。 Agnico offers $1.67 per O3 share, a deal recommended by O3's board and supported by 22% of its shareholders. 收购需要至少三分之二的O3股份投标,不包括Agnico的现有股份。 The acquisition needs at least two-thirds of O3 shares to be tendered, excluding Agnico's existing holdings.