西方帝王蝶数量下降了 30%。 Western monarch butterfly populations decline by 30%.
由于加州冬季潮湿,西部帝王蝶的数量下降了 30%。 Western monarch butterfly populations have dropped by 30% due to a wet winter in California. Xerces 协会的研究人员报告称,志愿者统计了加利福尼亚州和亚利桑那州的蝴蝶数量超过 230,000 只,而前一年为 330,000 只。 Researchers from the Xerces Society reported that volunteers counted more than 230,000 butterflies across California and Arizona, compared to 330,000 in the previous year. 数量下降可能是由于潮湿的冬季影响了蝴蝶的栖息地和食物来源。 The decline is likely due to a wet winter that affected the butterflies' habitat and food sources. 自 20 世纪 80 年代以来,西方帝王蝶数量大幅下降,数量下降了 95% 以上。 The western monarch butterfly population has experienced a significant decline since the 1980s, with numbers dropping by over 95%.