美国招待业将印度游客作为打击国内和东亚旅游下降目标。 US hospitality industry targets Indian tourists to counter declining domestic and East Asian travel.
美国的旅馆和旅行公司正专注于吸引印度游客来增加收入,因为国内休闲开支下降,东亚国家的需求仍然低于人口规模前的水平。 US hotels and travel companies are focusing on attracting Indian tourists to boost revenue, as domestic leisure spending declines and demand from East Asian countries remains lower than pre-pandemic levels. 与2019年相比, 2024年头十个月印度游客访问量激增了48%, Indian tourist visits have surged by 48% in the first ten months of 2024, compared to 2019, driven by an expanding middle class and higher travel budgets. 同时,来自中国、日本和韩国的访客人数有所下降。 Meanwhile, visitor numbers from China, Japan, and South Korea have dropped. 希尔顿和Airbnb等公司由于大规模旅行后正常化和通货膨胀对美国休闲开支的影响,正在为较慢的一年作准备。 Companies like Hilton and Airbnb are preparing for a slower year due to post-pandemic travel normalization and inflation's impact on American leisure spending.