联合王国军事住房有潮湿、发霉和设施差,尽管有资金,但仍有人员保留的风险。 UK military housing suffers from damp, mold, and poor facilities, risking personnel retention despite funding.
联合王国军事住房面临潮湿、发霉和设施不足等严重问题,有可能使人员驾车离开服务。 UK military housing faces severe issues with damp, mold, and inadequate facilities, potentially driving personnel to leave the service. 尽管在两年内拨款4亿英镑,但一个跨党派委员会警告说,目前的资金不足以满足现代标准。 Despite a £400 million allocation over two years, a cross-party committee warns that current funding is insufficient to meet modern standards. 委员会要求在2025年6月前提供关于受影响财产的详细统计数字,并敦促国防部和财政部共同努力改善生活条件。 The committee calls for detailed statistics on affected properties by June 2025 and urges the Ministry of Defence and Treasury to work together to improve living conditions.