在几个州,联合王国的房屋建筑商因高质量的发展、增加新住房而受到赞扬。 UK housebuilders in several counties have been praised for high-quality developments, boosting new housing.
根据最近的报道, 诺丁汉郡,密尔顿·凯恩斯,贝德福德郡和莱斯特郡等英国几个县的房屋建筑商, 由于其高质量的开发项目, 已经成为"圣诞老人的榜单"的首位. Housebuilders in several UK counties, including Nottinghamshire, Milton Keynes, Bedfordshire, and Leicestershire, have topped "Santa's list" for their high-quality developments, according to recent reports. 这些地区的新住房显著增加,这归功于地方建筑商的努力。 These areas are seeing significant growth in new housing, credited to the efforts of local builders.