英国禁止出于安全考虑,对18岁以下患有性别抑郁症的青春期阻塞器。 UK bans puberty blockers for under-18s with gender dysphoria due to safety concerns.
英国政府已无限期禁止18岁以下有性别性抑郁症的青春期阻塞器, The UK government has imposed an indefinite ban on puberty blockers for under-18s with gender dysphoria, following advice that the treatment poses an "unacceptable safety risk" without additional safeguards. 这项禁令适用于联合王国全境,将于2027年进行审查,只涉及新患者;已经接受治疗的患者可以继续接受治疗。 The ban, which applies across the UK, will be reviewed in 2027 and only affects new patients; those already receiving treatment can continue. 此项决定遭到国会议员的批评, 议员认为该决定将临床专业知识从医疗决策中剔除, 并对年轻人产生负面的影响。 The decision has faced criticism from MPs who argue it removes clinical expertise from medical decisions and impacts young trans people negatively. 计划明年对青春期阻塞器进行临床试验。 A clinical trial on puberty blockers is planned for next year.