Decatur的两次事故造成交通中断,其中一次造成住院治疗。 Two accidents in Decatur have caused traffic disruptions, with one resulting in a hospitalization.
上午8时36分左右,在Decatur的NE街6号发生了一次单一车辆事故,阻拦了往北的交通,造成1人受伤,被送往医院。 A single-vehicle accident occurred on 6th Avenue NE in Decatur at around 8:36 a.m., blocking northbound traffic and injuring one person who was taken to the hospital. Decatur警察局建议驾驶员使用替代路线。 The Decatur Police Department advised drivers to use alternate routes. 同时,在桥附近的富兰克林街发生另一起事故,导致桥梁暂时关闭,尽管没有报告有人受伤。 Meanwhile, a separate crash on Franklin Street near the bridge caused the bridge to be closed temporarily, though no injuries were reported there.