Sutter县高等法院因房舍内发现炸弹威胁便条而撤离。 Sutter County Superior Courthouse evacuated due to bomb threat notes found on premises.
星期二,一个潜在的炸弹威胁导致尤巴市萨特县高等法院的疏散。 On Tuesday, a potential bomb threat led to the evacuation of the Sutter County Superior Courthouse in Yuba City. 发现了几张炸弹威胁说明,导致半径四分之一英里的疏散以及当地执法部门和炸弹小组的参与。 Several bomb threat notes were found, prompting a quarter-mile radius evacuation and the involvement of local law enforcement and bomb squads. 法院和附近地区暂时关闭,当天法庭诉讼程序被取消。 The courthouse and nearby areas were temporarily closed, and court proceedings were canceled for the day. 后来宣布该地区安全,并解除了疏散命令。 The area was later declared safe, and the evacuation order was lifted. 建议陪审员和有法院业务的个人寻求进一步信息。 Jurors and individuals with court business were advised to seek further information.