Susan Russell, 67岁,因抗议伐木, 把自己锁在布尔加州立森林的设备上而面对法庭。 Susan Russell, 67, faces court for protesting logging by locking herself to equipment in Bulga State Forest.
环境活动家Susan Russell(67岁)定于2025年1月31日在福斯特地方法院出庭, 抗议布尔加州立森林的伐木。 Environmental activist Susan Russell, 67, is set to appear in Forster Local Court on January 31, 2025, for protesting against logging in Bulga State Forest. 她未经允许擅自进入保留区,对此表示不认罪,但承认拒绝离开森林区并干扰伐木设备。 Charged with entering a reserved area without permission, she pleads not guilty to this, but admits to refusing to leave a forestry area and interfering with logging equipment. 据报告,Russell用自行车锁把自己锁在设备上。 Russell reportedly locked herself to the equipment with a bike lock. 12月16日, 另有四位抗议者在法庭上遭提及, 1月21日又有九位抗议者遭提及。 Four other protesters face a court mention on December 16, and nine more on January 21.