女邮政局长苏珊·劳勒 (Susan Lawlor) 起诉 An Post,指控其对 2014 年老虎绑架事件的应对存在缺陷。 Postmistress Susan Lawlor sues An Post for alleged flawed response to 2014 tiger kidnapping.
邮政局长苏珊·劳勒 (Susan Lawlor) 向高等法院起诉安邮局,指控其对老虎绑架事件的应对存在缺陷。 Postmistress Susan Lawlor sues An Post in High Court, alleging flawed response to tiger kidnapping. 劳勒是 2014 年绑架案的受害者,她声称自己按照《An Post》的规定拨打了人质求助热线,但据报道,一名安保人员给她打的电话却导致劫匪“勃然大怒”。 Lawlor, a victim of a 2014 kidnapping, claims she followed An Post protocol by phoning a hostage helpline, but a security officer's call to her reportedly caused the robbers to "go utterly ballistic." 《华盛顿邮报》否认了这一说法,并称劳勒是一名独立承包商,而非雇员。 An Post denies the claims and argues Lawlor was an independent contractor, not an employee.