警察扰乱了多伦多一个主要的犯罪网络,逮捕了17人,没收了1 400万美元毒品。 Police disrupted a major criminal network in Toronto, arresting 17 and seizing $14M in drugs.
约克地区警察与多伦多和皮尔警察一起,打乱了大多伦多地区一个应对家庭入侵、武装抢劫和贩毒负责的犯罪网络。 York Regional Police, along with Toronto and Peel police, have disrupted a criminal network responsible for home invasions, armed robberies, and drug trafficking in the Greater Toronto Area. 经过长达一年的调查, 被称为“天降项目”, 17个人被逮捕, 并被指控83项罪行。 Following a year-long investigation dubbed "Project Skyfall," 17 individuals were arrested and charged with 83 offenses. 当局扣押了价值1 400万美元的毒品和三件火器。 Authorities seized over $14 million worth of drugs and three firearms. 值得注意的是,其中一名被捕者是安大略省一名政府雇员,他被指控利用交通部数据库协助网络。 Notably, one of the arrested was an Ontario government employee accused of accessing Ministry of Transportation databases to aid the network.