在安大略省的警察行动没收了价值281,000美元的毒品,导致7人被捕。 Police operation in Ontario seizes $281,000 worth of drugs, leading to seven arrests.
在西南安大略省的警察执行了Napoli项目,这是一个针对贩毒的联合行动,11月21日造成281,000美元的毒品查获。 Police in Southwestern Ontario executed Project Napoli, a joint operation targeting drug trafficking, resulting in a $281,000 drug bust on November 21. 在基奇纳、伍德斯托克和牛津县的 10 次搜查导致 7 人被捕,其中包括一名伦敦妇女,她们面临 18 项指控,例如持有毒品和贩运毒品。 Ten searches in Kitchener, Woodstock, and Oxford County led to the arrest of seven individuals, including a London woman, who face 18 charges such as drug possession and trafficking. 当局缉获了1.6公斤甲基苯丙胺、1.3公斤可卡因、2 500片Xanax药片和20 000美元现金。 Authorities seized 1.6 kg of methamphetamine, 1.3 kg of cocaine, 2,500 Xanax tablets, and $20,000 in cash. 6名嫌疑人被释放,1人等待保释听证。 Six suspects were released, while one awaits a bail hearing.