警方正在调查60岁的Karen White在Hāwea湖的家中被发现严重受伤的谋杀案。 Police are investigating the murder of Karen White, 60, found severely injured at her Lake Hāwea home.
警方正在调查谋杀60岁的Karen White一案。 Karen White在3月8日对Hāwea湖财产的重大攻击中因重伤身亡。 Police are investigating the murder of 60-year-old Karen White, who died from severe injuries in a significant assault at her Lake Hāwea property on March 8. 九个月后,当局和ESR的科学家重新审查了犯罪现场,但细节尚未公布。 Nine months later, authorities and scientists from the ESR re-examined the crime scene, but details are not yet disclosed. Regan Boucher高级警长警官促请社区提供他们可能掌握的任何信息,参考号为240308/6198。 Detective Senior Sergeant Regan Boucher urges the community to provide any information they might have, using the reference number 240308/6198.