尼日利亚参议院通过法案,要求当地在出口前处理30%的原材料。 Nigerian Senate passes bill requiring local processing of 30% raw materials before export.
尼日利亚参议院已经通过了对一项法案的二读,该法案要求在出口前至少对30%的原材料进行当地加工。 The Nigerian Senate has passed the second reading of a bill that would require local processing of at least 30% of raw materials before exportation. 在Peter Nwebonyi参议员的赞助下,该法案旨在修订2022年《原材料研究与开发委员会法》,促进当地制造业,创造就业机会,减少对进口的依赖。 Sponsored by Senator Peter Nwebonyi, the bill aims to amend the Raw Materials Research and Development Council Act of 2022, boosting local manufacturing, creating jobs, and reducing dependence on imports. 然而,有人对该法案在没有当地处理能力的部门中的实际可行性表示关切。 However, concerns about the bill's practicality in sectors without local processing capacity have been raised.