新奥尔良狗Scrim, 逃避捕捉, 成为本地名人 追踪到谷歌地图上。 New Orleans dog Scrim, evading capture, becomes local celebrity tracked on Google map.
在新奥尔良, 一只17磅重的狗名叫Scrim, 已成为当地名人, In New Orleans, a 17-pound dog named Scrim has become a local celebrity, evading capture for months and tracked on a Google map by supporters advocating for his freedom. 大学运动员在针对国家空间活动委员会的诉讼中 正在推动一个球员协会 来保护他们的权利。 College athletes in a lawsuit against the NCAA are pushing for a players' association to protect their rights. Google的“寻找年”报告强调体育与政治是2024年的顶尖搜索趋势。 Google's "Year in Search" report highlighted sports and politics as top search trends in 2024. 参议院共和党领袖Mitch McConnell在GOP午宴上扭伤了手腕,但不久后又回去工作。 Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell sprained his wrist at a GOP luncheon but returned to work shortly after.