里德利的2024年问卷显示了主要事件,显示66%的人喜欢保持了解,电视新闻最受欢迎. Readly's 2024 quiz highlights top events, showing 66% enjoy staying informed, with TV news most popular.
数字杂志应用程序 Readly 发布了一项测验,重点介绍了 2024 年的 25 大事件,包括政治选举和名人新闻,如泰勒·斯威夫特的表演和 Oasis 重聚。 Readly, a digital magazine app, has released a quiz highlighting the top 25 events of 2024, including political elections and celebrity news like Taylor Swift's performances and the Oasis reunion. 调查发现,66%的人享受随时了解最新事件,体育是最受欢迎的话题。 The survey found that 66% of people enjoy staying informed about current events, with sports being the most popular topic. 电视新闻广播是52%的人口的主要新闻来源,而51%的人更喜欢数字杂志和报纸。 TV news broadcasts are the main news source for 52% of people, while 51% prefer digital magazines and newspapers. 测验还显示,19%的人在家庭聚会期间,特别是在圣诞节节日期间,对重要活动进行了热烈讨论。 The quiz also revealed that 19% of people have heated discussions over key events during family gatherings, especially during the Christmas holidays.