肯尼亚支持向海外派遣工人, 不久将有200人作为警察前往卡塔尔。 Kenya supports sending workers abroad, with 200 soon heading to Qatar as police officers.
肯尼亚劳工内阁秘书Alfred Mutua支持政府将工人送往海外的倡议, Kenya's Cabinet Secretary for Labour, Alfred Mutua, supports the government's initiative to send workers overseas, countering critics who see it as modern slavery. Mutua认为, 从卡塔尔等国家返回的工人将新的技能带回肯尼亚。 Mutua argues that workers returning from countries like Qatar bring new skills back to Kenya. 政府还正在调整培训方案,以符合国际标准,有6 000多名工人获得认证,不久将有近300名工人前往卡塔尔。 The government is also adjusting training programs to meet international standards, with over 6,000 workers certified and nearly 300 set to travel to Qatar soon. 该倡议包括在当地和网上创造就业。 The initiative includes creating jobs locally and online. 到月末,200名肯尼亚人将加入卡塔尔,成为警察。 By month's end, 200 Kenyans will join Qatar as police officers.