爱荷华州工作队推迟了AEA的建议,寻求关于资金转移和特殊教育变化的更多数据。 Iowa's task force delays AEA recommendations, seeks more data on funding shifts and special education changes.
爱荷华州评价地区教育机构变化的工作队将其建议推迟到2月,指出需要更多数据。 Iowa's task force evaluating changes to Area Education Agencies (AEAs) has delayed its recommendations until February, citing a need for more data. 新的法律将一些经费从AEAs转到各学区,并将特殊教育监督转移到州教育部。 The new law shifts some funding from AEAs to school districts and moves special education oversight to the state Department of Education. 包括教育工作者、家长和官员在内的工作队将重新召开会议,评估这些变化的影响,并在提出建议之前收集反馈意见。 The task force, including educators, parents, and officials, will reconvene to assess the impact of these changes and gather feedback before making recommendations.