印度削减了贸易商的小麦库存限额,以遏制囤积和控制价格,直至2025年3月。 India cuts wheat stock limits for traders to curb hoarding and control prices until March 2025.
在2025年3月31日之前,印度政府降低了贸易商控制价格的小麦库存限额,批发贸易商的限额从2,000公吨降至1,000公吨,零售贸易商的限额从100公吨降至50公吨。 The Indian government has reduced wheat stock limits for traders to control prices, lowering the limit from 2,000 to 1,000 metric tons for wholesale traders and from 100 to 50 metric tons for retail traders until March 31, 2025. 贸易商必须在门户网站上登记,每周更新其库存,违规者将面临法律诉讼。 Traders must register on a portal and update their stocks weekly, with violators facing legal action. 这项行动旨在防止囤积和确保小麦的供应,因为印度在2024年生产了1,132万公吨小麦。 The move aims to prevent hoarding and ensure wheat availability, as India produced 1,132 lakh metric tons of wheat in 2024.