对被控殴打的12名Salisbury大学学生的仇恨犯罪指控经审查后被撤销。 Hate crime charges against 12 Salisbury University students accused of assault dropped after review.
在10月因袭击被捕的15名Salisbury大学学生中,有12名在检察官审查证据后被撤销了仇恨犯罪指控。 Twelve out of fifteen Salisbury University students arrested for an assault in October had their hate crime charges dropped after prosecutors reviewed the evidence. 这些学生最初被指控将一名男子引诱到营地以外的公寓,在那里他遭到殴打,并遭到一个仇视同性恋的泥巴。 The students were initially accused of luring a man to an off-campus apartment, where he was beaten and subjected to a homophobic slur. 受害人被一个假的约会应用程序账户骗了 The victim was tricked using a fake dating app account. 学生现在面临的具体指控尚未详细列出。 The specific charges now faced by the students have not been detailed.