在偏见攻击案件中,对12名Salisbury大学学生的仇恨罪和一级攻击罪指控下降。 Charges of hate crime and first-degree assault dropped against 12 Salisbury University students in bias attack case.
在马里兰州Salisbury大学的一个案件中,15名被指控因性倾向攻击男子的学生中有12名因仇恨罪和一级攻击指控被撤销。 In a case at Salisbury University, Maryland, 12 out of 15 students accused of assaulting a man due to his sexual orientation had their hate crime and first-degree assault charges dropped. 学生现在面临非法监禁和二级轻罪攻击的指控。 The students now face charges of false imprisonment and misdemeanor second-degree assault. 经过初步听证后,指控被减少,所有15人最初被指控在引诱他到院外公寓后袭击他。 The charges were reduced after preliminary hearings, with all 15 initially accused of attacking the man after luring him to an off-campus apartment. 三名学生仍面临仇恨犯罪指控。 Three students still face hate crime charges.