通用汽车终止对自动驾驶部门 Cruise 的融资,退出自动驾驶出租车市场,以节省资金并专注于驾驶员辅助技术。 GM ends funding for autonomous unit Cruise, exits robotaxi market, to save money and focus on driver-assist tech.
通用汽车(GM)将停止资助其自主汽车单位(Cruis), 并退出机器人汽车市场, General Motors (GM) will stop funding its autonomous vehicle unit, Cruise, and withdraw from the robotaxi market, focusing instead on developing advanced driver-assist systems like Super Cruise. 这一决定是在自主车辆部门遭受重大财政损失和竞争之后作出的。 The decision follows significant financial losses and competition in the autonomous vehicle sector. 通用汽车将把 Cruise 的技术团队与自己的技术团队结合起来开发这些系统,目标是每年节省超过 10 亿美元。 GM will combine Cruise's technical team with its own to develop these systems, aiming to save over $1 billion annually.