菲律宾渔民以环境和生计风险为由,请求最高法院停止马尼拉湾开垦。 Filipino fisherfolk petition Supreme Court to halt Manila Bay reclamation, citing environmental and livelihood risks.
菲律宾渔民和环境团体向最高法院提出请愿,要求停止马尼拉湾的开垦和疏浚项目,理由是环境损害和30多万渔民丧失生计。 Filipino fishermen and environmental groups have petitioned the Supreme Court to stop reclamation and dredging projects in Manila Bay, citing environmental harm and loss of livelihood for over 300,000 fisherfolk. 请愿书质疑环境和自然资源部于2019年至2023年颁发的10份海底采石许可证,指控其违反环境保护法。 The petition challenges 10 seabed quarry permits issued by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources between 2019 and 2023, alleging violations of environmental protection laws. 这些项目覆盖大约9 000公顷,影响到沿海社区。 The projects cover around 9,000 hectares, impacting coastal communities.