CMPD设立了一个处理小汽车事故的文职单位,旨在减少警官的工作量。 CMPD introduces a civilian unit to handle minor car accidents, aiming to reduce officer workload.
夏洛特-梅克伦堡警察局设立了平民事故调查股,处理轻微的汽车事故,释放警官,以便进行更紧急的呼叫。 The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department (CMPD) has launched a Civilian Crash Investigation Unit to handle minor car accidents, freeing up officers for more urgent calls. 该股由15名调查员组成,将重点处理财产损坏事件,占CMPD处理的事故的71%。 The unit, comprising 15 investigators, will focus on property damage-only incidents, which make up 71% of crashes handled by CMPD. 这一举措旨在缩短等待时间,使警官能够优先处理更高级别的事件。 This initiative aims to reduce wait times and allow officers to prioritize higher-level incidents.