中国考虑削弱人民币以对抗潜在的特朗普关税,从而危及经济稳定。 China considers weakening yuan to counter potential Trump tariffs, risking economic stability.
中国当局正考虑削弱人民币以抵消第二任特朗普总统可能征收的贸易关税。 Chinese authorities are considering weakening the yuan to counter potential trade tariffs from a second Trump presidency. 此举可以降低中国出口品的价格,减轻关税的影响,偏离维持稳定货币的通常做法。 This move could make Chinese exports cheaper and ease the impact of tariffs, deviating from the usual practice of maintaining a stable currency. 人民币可能会贬值到7.5美元,比当前水平下降3.5%,以刺激经济增长和消除通缩压力。 The yuan might depreciate up to 7.5 per dollar, a 3.5% drop from current levels, to boost economic growth and combat deflationary pressures. 然而,它也可能引发资本外流,对金融市场产生负面影响。 However, it could also trigger capital outflows and affect financial markets negatively.