一名卡莱拉警官在Jemison附近的一次车祸中受重伤,被送往阿布扎维派医院。 A Calera police officer was seriously injured in a car crash near Jemison and taken to UAB Hospital.
一名卡列拉警官在周二晚上Jemison州西42号县道附近的191号公路发生车祸,重伤。 A Calera police officer was seriously injured in a car crash on Tuesday evening on Highway 191 near County Road 42 West in Jemison. 警官在坠机时正回家的路上。 The officer was on her way home when the crash occurred. 她被运至阿布扎比医院,由多个机构护送。 She was transported to UAB Hospital with multiple agencies providing an escort. 卡莱拉警察局长David Hyche感谢紧急救援人员,并希望迅速恢复。 Calera Police Chief David Hyche thanked the emergency responders and wished for a swift recovery. 坠机细节仍未公布。 The details of the crash are still undisclosed.