由于投资和住房需求降低,亚行将印度的增长预测削减至6.5%。 ADB cuts India's growth forecast to 6.5% due to lower investment and housing demand.
由于私人投资和住房需求疲软,亚洲开发银行(亚行)将印度本财政年度的经济增长预测降低到6.5%,从7%降至6.5%。 The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has reduced India's economic growth forecast for the current financial year to 6.5%, down from 7%, due to weaker private investment and housing demand. 尽管被降级,但亚行指出,印度的增长仍然具有弹性,得到农业产出提高和服务部门强大支撑。 Despite the downgrade, the ADB notes that India's growth remains resilient, supported by higher agricultural output and a strong services sector. 亚行还预测2024年亚洲及太平洋各经济体的增长率为4.9%。 The ADB also projects a 4.9% growth rate for Asia and the Pacific economies in 2024.