印度国家银行以农村需求恢复为例,预测25财政年度第2季度国内生产总值增长率为6.5%。 The State Bank of India projects 6.5% GDP growth for Q2 FY25, citing rural demand recovery.
印度国家银行预测,在农村需求复苏的驱动下,25财政年度的Q2国内生产总值增长约6.5%,这表明收入水平有所提高。 The State Bank of India forecasts a GDP growth of approximately 6.5% for Q2 of FY25, driven by a recovery in rural demand, indicating improved income levels. 报告警告不要采取短期财政政策,如免除贷款,这可能造成长期经济问题。 The report warns against short-term fiscal policies like loan waivers, which could create long-term economic issues. 尽管数据喜忧参半,但印度储备银行仍维持7.2%的增长预测,以农业和服务部门为例,预计节日节日会加快增长。 Despite mixed data, the Reserve Bank of India maintains a growth forecast of 7.2%, citing strong agriculture and services sectors, and anticipates a boost from the festive season.