Xylem公司在Idrica公司获得了多数股权,用实时数据洞察加强水管理。 Xylem acquires majority stake in Idrica to enhance water management with real-time data insights.
全球水解决方案公司Xylem在Idrica获得了多数股权,他是水数据管理和分析方面的领先者。 Xylem, a global water solutions company, has acquired a majority stake in Idrica, a leader in water data management and analytics. 这项采购的目的是通过提供实时洞察力的综合Xyem Vue平台,帮助供水公用事业解决缺水和基础设施老化等问题。 This acquisition aims to help water utilities tackle issues like water scarcity and aging infrastructure through the combined Xylem Vue platform, which provides real-time insights. 预计这一伙伴关系将加强一体化,并提供更强有力的客户经验。 The partnership is expected to enhance integration and offer a more powerful customer experience.