Xylem Inc. 增加了投资,并宣布了季度红利,评级为“Moderate Buy”。 Xylem Inc. saw increased investment and announced a quarterly dividend, with a "Moderate Buy" rating.
Xylem Inc. (XYL) 在第三季度增加了几家公司的投资,包括 Brookfield Corp 增长 6.0% 和 EP Wealth Advisors LLC 11.3%。 Xylem Inc. (XYL) saw increased investment from several firms in the third quarter, including a 6.0% rise from Brookfield Corp and a 11.3% increase from EP Wealth Advisors LLC. 该公司报告的净利润率为9.85%,股本回报率为9.61%,每股收入为1.11美元。 The company reported a net margin of 9.85% and a return on equity of 9.61%, with earnings per share of $1.11. Xylm设计和制造与水有关的产品和解决办法,其评级为“多价购买”,价格目标为149.64美元。 Xylem, which designs and manufactures water-related products and solutions, has a "Moderate Buy" rating and a price target of $149.64. 该公司还宣布季度红利为0.36美元,将于12月24日支付。 The company also announced a quarterly dividend of $0.36, to be paid on December 24.