在奥克兰发生暴力事件,在Mar Bay地区,一辆汽车着火,一名行人被击中。 Violent incidents mar Bay Area sideshows, with a car set on fire and a pedestrian hit in Oakland.
在Bay地区发生了多起场外事件,暴力事件包括一辆汽车被放火焚烧,奥克兰的一辆汽车击中一名旁观者。 Multiple sideshow events occurred in the Bay Area, with violent incidents including a car being set on fire and a spectator hit by a vehicle in Oakland. 来自不同机构的警察作出了回应,但没有逮捕任何人。 Police from various agencies responded but made no arrests. 数十年来,类似事件一直存在问题,最近的法律旨在限制参与,但事件持续存在,使其他湾区城市更加关切。 Similar events have been problematic for decades, and recent laws aim to curb participation, but the events persist, spreading concern to other Bay Area cities.