美国成功地在关岛试验了导弹防御系统,拦截了一枚空射导弹。 U.S. successfully tests missile defense system in Guam, intercepting an air-launched missile.
美国导弹防卫署成功地从关岛进行了第一次弹道导弹拦截试验,利用新的雷达和发射系统击落了一枚空射导弹。 The U.S. Missile Defense Agency successfully conducted its first ballistic missile intercept test from Guam, using a new radar and launching system to shoot down an air-launched missile. 这标志着在建设关岛防范潜在威胁,特别是中国威胁方面迈出的重要一步。 This marks a significant step in building Guam's defense against potential threats, particularly from China. 这次试验是关岛防御系统倡议的一部分,它加强了该岛的准备状态,并为今后的国防改进提供了关键数据。 The test, part of the Guam Defense System initiative, enhances the island's readiness and provides crucial data for future defense improvements.