自1788年以来,多达60,000个澳大利亚无脊椎物种可能已经灭绝,可能损失9,111种。 Up to 60,000 Australian invertebrate species may have gone extinct since 1788, with 9,111 likely lost.
一项研究估计,自1788年欧洲殖民以来,澳大利亚已有1 500至60 000种本地无脊椎物种灭绝,可能损失约9 111种物种。 A study estimates that between 1,500 and 60,000 native invertebrate species in Australia have gone extinct since European colonization in 1788, with around 9,111 species likely lost. 这些无脊椎动物,包括蜘蛛、蠕虫和昆虫,在授粉和生态系统健康方面发挥着重要作用。 These invertebrates, including spiders, worms, and insects, play crucial roles in pollination and ecosystem health. 研究人员警告说,每周最多有三个物种可能灭绝,敦促加强养护努力和提高认识,以保护这些关键物种。 Researchers warn that up to three species may go extinct each week, urging increased conservation efforts and awareness to protect these vital species.